who guide you towards
a greater tomorrow.
About BulkyProviding A Life-Changing
Change not only the way you look but the way you live
Due to unscientific and over-aggressive dieting methods, many people have these problems:
“I can’t continue with my diet”
“I temporarily lost weight but rebounded after”
“I lost weight but damaged my body in the process”
Bulky Fitness utilises a healthy and sustainable dieting approach supported by the latest sports science.
Bulky Beauty Method
An efficient training technique to maximise your results.
Macronutrient Balance
Focusing on a balanced approach with proper amounts of each macro & micronutrient without over-restriction. A diet that supports your fitness goals whilst elevating your quality of life and health in the long-term.
Reasons to join Bulky Fitness
Gained weight after coming to Singapore
So many meal meetings and gathering but no chance to exercise- you might think “I gained weight when compared to the time I was in Japan…” Bulky Fitness is pleased to offer a specialized method for “Japanese people in Singapore” to lose weight efficiently!
No effect though you regularly work out at a gym
Many of our customers thundered “Running and doing exercises at a gym don’t work at all!” We are pleased to provide you with “correct form” and “correct knowledge” the keys to successful body building.
I know I’ve to watch my diets but I can’t help to eat!
No worries! Bulky doesn’t torture you by any food restrictions like “low carb diets” and “fasting”! We pride ourselves to provide sustainable diet management suggestions for you to lose weight whiling having carb and fats!
No effect though you regularly work out at a gym
Most of our customers “have never worked out at a gym before” No worries about painful trainings as we provide individualized guidance. Ladies and seniors over the age of 60 are also able to enjoy our trainings!
Bulky Fitness main points
Professional Personal Training
We specialise in coaching beginners who are new to resistance training and have never step foot into a gym! We provide a tailor-made program for every client to suit their individual goals and unique circumstances. Regardless if you desire weight gain or loss, posture improvements or body pain reduction, Bulky Fitness will be able to provide a solution for you!
Wholesome and Sustainable Dieting Methods
The vilification and complete elimination of certain types of food is unscientific and is an attempt to grab your attention by revolutionising weight loss methods. Bulky Fitness’ dieting approach is balanced and includes all three macronutrients as they all have their own important physiological functions.
While no-carb or low-carb diets may lead to short-term weight loss, it oftens leads to weight rebounds. At Bulky Fitness, we aim to help you lose the weight and more importantly, keep it off even after your package with us.
Supplements and Rental Wear Are Provided
Supplements and rental wear are included within a package.
- Ergogenic and fat-burning supplements before training
- BCAA drink during training
- Post-workout Protein Shake
Convenience is guaranteed as you can show up empty-handed. Shower amenities are also provided so you can freshen up after the workout.
Private Workout Space
Personal space without any other eyes on you, for a undisrupted workout. Rooms are equipped with various machines and training equipment to guide you to your ideal body as fast as possible.
Comparison with other gyms
Bulky Fitness | Others Fitness | Competitor | |
Admission fee | |||
Fee per time | |||
Trainer | |||
Rental wear | |||
towel | |||
shower |
大満足の結果を残すことができました!3ヶ月で体脂肪率10%減!私が特に素晴らしいと思ったのは、まず知識と経験が豊富な4人のトレーナーさんがいること。それぞれのトレーナーさんから正しいトレーニングをご指導いただけるので、豊富なバリエーションのトレーニングができます。そしてもう一つは、食事指導が的確な事。食べる事が何より好きな私にとってこれはジム選びの最も重要なポイントでした。 こちらでは、特定の栄養素に厳しい制限を設けるという事はなく、バランスよく食べて結果を出すことができました。これは一時的な減量ではなく、今後もずっと続けていける方法を身につけたという事です。素晴らしい!!そして何より、毎回楽しく通う事ができました。これはトレーナーの皆さんのお人柄のおかげです。ありがとうございました体重12〜13kg減・体脂肪率20%減と予想を遥かに上回る結果に。
30代後半になって普通の生活をしていても体重も体脂肪率も増えてしまい、健康的な身体になりたくてBulky fitnessさんにお世話になりました。子供の時から運動が苦手で続けられるのかとても不安でしたが、どのトレーナーさんもその時々の私の状態に合わせたトレーニングを組んでくださり、16回通ってしっかり結果が出ました。こちらにお世話になる前は、自己流でダイエットに取り組んだものの全く効果がでませんでした。今回トレーニング方法と食事の方法を学べて、今後も継続できる知識を得たと思います。最終的には体重が12〜13kg減、体脂肪率が20ポイント程度減で健康的な身体になりました。服のサイズも最大4段階下がったので当初の予定をはるかに上回る結果となりました。私でもできたので、、、健康になりたい(痩せたい、疲れるのが早くなった、かっこいい自分に出逢いたい)そんな方に、迷うことなくbulky fitness お勧めします。毎回通うのが楽しみでした!
とっても素敵で、ぜひオススメしたいジムです!体力には自信があるつもりでしたが、初回は重りのない棒を持ってトレーニングしただけで翌日骨折したかと思うくらいの筋肉痛が、、、笑 いかに今まで効果的に体を動かせていなかったかを痛感しました。自分の体力とペースに合わせてやってくれるので無理なく続けられました。段々と持てる重りが増えていくのが楽しくて、また自分の体が変わっていくのも実感出来て、とても嬉しかったです。猫背も治って姿勢が良くなり、表情も断然明るくなりました!はじめた当初の写真と比べると、生きるのも楽で、何だか人間らしくなれた気がします笑。自分でも頑張って続けたいと思います!本当にありがとうございました!健康診断の悪い結果をきっかけに50歳前の自分への挑戦として肉体改造を!
CB明けでたるんだ体をどうにかしたくて3ヶ月間通いました。HPにあるとおり、過剰な食事制限ではなく『健康的な肉体美』を追及しているところが決め手でした。どういうボディメイキングをしたいかを相談して、それに合わせた筋トレと食事指導をしてくださり、結果も伴いとてもよかったです。特に食事指導ではシンガポールでも手に入る食材でアドバイスをいただいたこと、甘いものが好きでなかなか糖質・脂質をマクロ内に抑えられないときに甘いものを断つのではなく、甘さを感じられてダイエット中も食べてよいものを提案していただけたので「さすがパーソナルトレーニング!」と思いました。パーソナルトレーニングのよさを十分に堪能し、かつ栄養や筋トレについて体系的に学びたい方にぜひおすすめしたいジムです!人生を変えた三か月!【体重-8.3kg 体脂肪率-7.4%】
もともとトレーニングは好きでしたが、なかなか自分を追い込めず、トレーニング方法も自己流だったので、情けない体の自分でしたが、3ヶ月のトレーニングで筋肉量も増え、脂肪も5キロ落ち、ウェストも10センチ減! 見た目にも大きな変化を得ました! 個々に寄り添ったトレーナー陣の指導のおかげです。 まだまだ自分を変えていきたいと思いますので、これからもご指導よろしくお願いしますBulky Fitness is weights exclusive Japanese Gym!
Exclusiveness all over not only in weights only gym. The gym (800 sq ft) session is exclusive with no other sweating and hissing bodies around. The Japanese trainers have zen like approach. After golden birthday revelry and weighing 73.3 kg. this weight only Bulky Fitness gym at this weight and age. After 8 months I am down to 65 kgfeeling muscles all over my body. Starting with 40kg squats and ending 2021 with 80kg lifts and story continues with deadlifts, bench press. no aggression and then slowly take you through escalation. Each session is calibrated but the magic unfolds 6-8 months down the line. Bulky Fitness not only drummed up my muscles and fitness it lifted my fitness in all other activities. I can climb vertical marathon staircases faster and many times over. I can even do my scorpion pose in yoga as my shoulder and arm muscles got stronger. I look forward to my twice a week sessions at Bulky Fitness.The weighing equipment and trainer Hayate beckons who mixes and matches the regimen exhorts to give best without stressing the body and rounded off with nice protein shake. Bulky Fitness bulks up not only the body but the mind and attitude to life, nothing seems impossible.Training at Bulky is the best decision and investment I have made for myself and I am more than happy to recommend Bulky to anyone
Today, I have completed my 2mo training. Though I have learned so much from Hayate, I'm still very much a baby in the gym world and am still amazed how the simple training regime can have so much of a positive impact on my overall definitely stronger, fitter and toner today than how I was 2mo before, and I actually enjoyed the entire journey thoroughly. It has been so fun training together with Hayate, seeing myself making progress steadily in every session, strengthening my core which I did not have before and knowing I can train safely under a professional trainer's guidance. Hayate is an amazing trainer and seasoned advisor – he knows my body condition best and knowing when to push/slow the pace to ensure I am not overwhelmed and this is so very important, because that's how I could trust him completely.Training at Bulky is the best decision and investment I have made for myself and I am more than happy to recommend Bulky to anyoneすっかり運動が好きになったので、これからもちょこちょこお世話になると思います。
20代後半会社員、出張等でトレーニングに通えない期間があったりもしましたが、約1年間お世話になりました。体脂肪率が10%以上落ち、体重も7kgほど落ちるなど数字の成果も大きいですが、何より慢性的な肩こり腰痛から解放され、健康でハッピーな心と身体になれたこと、そしてそれがストレスフリーな、これからも続けられる食生活の中で達成できたことが最大の成果でした。 ウエイトトレーニングは初めてでしたが、フレンドリーなトレーナーの皆さんに教えていただけ、また天井が高く開放感のある空間で運動でき、毎回1時間があっという間でした。 すっかり運動が好きになったので、これからもちょこちょこお世話になると思います。 Bulkyは運動指導、食事指導どちらも心から信頼できます。シンガポール在住で迷われている方は、ぜひカウンセリングに行ってみることをお勧めします!Counselling Process
Through a personal interview, we will ask questions to form a comprehensive overview of your current situation. Questions can range from desired body improvements, lifestyle habits, health status, current medications to previous injuries. After forming a good understanding, it will inform other steps of the counselling process.
Posture assessment
In this segment, we will assess your posture for any left & right asymmetries or any risk areas. Due to sedentary lifestyles, poor posture and hectic work schedules, many people have postural issues like forward neck, rounded shoulders and pelvic tilts. This will help our trainers in programming exercises to help fix your postural problems.
We will measure your body composition using our INBODY machine through bio-electrical impedance. After collecting the results, we will discuss the results such as your BMI, muscle and fat mass, and compare them to the population average so you can have a rough gauge of your current starting position. This will also serve as a starting point as weekly INBODY sessions will allow us to track your progress and make necessary adjustments.
Now that we have a complete picture of your situation, we will formulate a plan for you to achieve your goals. We will help create a sustainable program that consists of both a nutrition and exercise plan. We will decide on an appropriate exercise split, calorie count, and macronutrient split. For your timeline, we will set realistic goals and let you know what to expect in the coming weeks or months
Bulky Plan(効率よくボディメイクするためのプラン) |
基本トレーニング50分+Bulky’s Choice 15分+お着替えシャワー10分
Bulky Plus Plan(徹底的に自分を変えたいあなたにピッタリのプラン) |
2ヶ月(16セッション) |
[S$1,500] x2ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$3,500 | [S$2,000】 x2 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$4,500 |
3 ヶ月(24セッション) |
[S$1,450] x3 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$4,850 | [S$1,800] x3 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$5,900 |
4 ヶ月(32セッション) |
[S$1,400] x4 ヶ月+ 入会金 (S$500) = $$6,100 | [S$1,700] x4 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$7,300 |
6 ヶ月(44セッション) |
[S$1,200] x6 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$7,700 | [S$1,500] x6 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$9,500 |
Bulky Plan(効率よくボディメイクするためのプラン) |
2ヶ月(16セッション) |
[S$1,500] x2ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$3,500 |
3 ヶ月(24セッション) |
[S$1,450] x3 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$4,850 |
4 ヶ月(32セッション) |
[S$1,400] x4 ヶ月+ 入会金 (S$500) = $$6,100 |
6 ヶ月(44セッション) |
[S$1,200] x6 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$7,700 |
基本トレーニング50分+Bulky’s Choice 15分+お着替えシャワー10分
Bulky Plus Plan(徹底的に自分を変えたいあなたにピッタリのプラン) |
2ヶ月(16セッション) |
[S$2,000】 x2 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$4,500 |
3 ヶ月(24セッション) |
[S$1,800] x3 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$5,900 |
4 ヶ月(32セッション) |
[S$1,700] x4 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$7,300 |
6 ヶ月(44セッション) |
[S$1,500] x6 ヶ月 + 入会金 (S$500) = $$9,500 |
Are you
Are you
If you have any concerns or questions before contacting us, please check the “Frequently Asked Questions” here!
If your problem is not resolved after looking at this page, please contact us .
Open all year round from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm . Basically, we operate without rest on weekends and public holidays. (*In rare cases, we may be closed due to exceptions.)
Yes, you can come empty-handed! At Bulky, we rent “wear”, “face towels”, “bath towels”, “shoes”, and “shoes” for free. Please rest assured that many sizes are available.
There are no additional charges. We offer personalized supplements, amino acid drinks during training, and protein shakes after training, all free of charge.
There is no age limit. Customers who currently go to Bulkies are in their teens to those in their late 60s. In addition to diet and body make-up, we can also implement training and diet management according to various purposes such as to become healthy, to create a healthy body, for rehabilitation, and to improve sports performance. (* In the case of minors, parental consent is required)
Yes, of course! The male-to-female ratio of members is about 5:5, and many female clients go to the gym. Many female customers who have never exercised before are also satisfied with our results. Personal training at Bulkie does not push you into the image of “club activities”. Taking into account the customer’s purpose, age, and exercise experience, we will train at a pace that suits each individual. At Bulkee, we build our bodies with the motto of “efficient”, “reasonable”, “enjoyable”, “safe”, and “long-lasting” training backed by scientific evidence.